Troubleshooting and Common Issues

Having trouble with redux-auth-wrapper? Check out the following common issues.

Applying the HOC

Make sure that when using the helpers from redux-auth-wrapper that you are applying the HOC to your component and in the right location (see where to apply the wrappers for more details). Most imports from this library are HOC builders, requiring first a configuration object. For instance you shouldn't be applying the connectedRouterRedirect directly to a component:


const ProtectedComponent = connectedRouterRedirect(MyComponent)


const userIsAuthenticated = connectedRouterRedirect({
  redirectPath: '/login',
  authenticatedSelector: state => state.user !== null

const ProtectedComponent = userIsAuthenticated(MyComponent)

Also, please be sure that you've applied the HOC in a proper location. Check out the documentation on where to apply auth wrappers.

Rendering the wrapped component

Also remember that the result of an HOC being applied to a Component is a new Component, so you cannot render it without instantiating it:


const visibleOnlyAdmin = authWrapper({
  authenticatedSelector: state => state.user !== null && state.user.isAdmin,
  wrapperDisplayName: 'AdminOrHomeLink',
  FailureComponent: () => <Link to='/home'>Home Section</Link>

const AdminOnlyLink = visibleOnlyAdmin(() => <Link to='/admin'>Admin Section</Link>)

 class MyComponent extends Component {
   render() {
     return (



const visibleOnlyAdmin = authWrapper({
  authenticatedSelector: state => state.user !== null && state.user.isAdmin,
  wrapperDisplayName: 'AdminOrHomeLink',
  FailureComponent: () => <Link to='/home'>Home Section</Link>

const AdminOnlyLink = visibleOnlyAdmin(() => <Link to='/admin'>Admin Section</Link>)

 class MyComponent extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
        <AdminOnlyLink />


Replace of undefined

The redirect helpers make us of the history object from React Router. In most cases, this is passed down because the wrapped component is rendered as a child of <Router>. However if you render the component elsewhere you might get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined. This likely means the history object was not passed to the component. You can solve this by using the withRouter higher order component:

import { withRouter } from 'react-router';
const userIsAuthenticated = connectedRouterRedirect({
  redirectPath: '/login',
  authenticatedSelector: state => !== null

const ProtectedComponent = withRouter(userIsAuthenticated(MyComponent))

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